It is very important to be truthful to your agent. When you call or come in the office for a quote you have to be completely honest when they are asking you questions. If they ask you if you have ever been in an accident and you have then tell the truth before the agent runs the MVR. You may wonder what is a MVR. An MVR is known as a driving record which shows your driving history and the information about your driving license.Here are the following that the agents view
- Drivers License Class
- Any suspensions, revocations, and cancellations
- Any restrictions that occur on your license
- Traffic citations
- Vehicular Crimes
- Accident Reports
- Driving Record Points
- DUI convictions
It is very important to be truthful about how many people who are in your household, because once an agent run that report and they find out that there are other people in the household. It is very important for you to be truthful so they can help assist you. If you must know your garaging address is important as well. Why is it important? Well its important, because the company needs to know where your vehicles are parked. The company needs to know where to send your bill. I do repeat if you are completely honest then agents will try to help you the best way they can.
If you need a quote for Georgia click here or call 478-788-9188.